释义 |
uz the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Uzbekistan
UZ abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Uzbekistan (international car registration) uz
Uz (ŭz), in the Bible. 1 Grandson of Shem. 2 Grandson of Seir. 3 Land of Job, variously placed in Aram, Edom, or N Arabia.uz (networking)The country code for Uzbekistan.UZ
UZThe two-character ISO 3166 country code for UZBEKISTAN.UZ1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Republic of Uzbekistan. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Uzbekistani bank accounts.
2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Uzbekistan. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Uzbekistan. Each Uzbekistani province has its own code with the prefix "UZ." For example, the code for the Province of Andijon is ISO 3166-2:UZ-AN.UZ
Acronym | Definition |
UZ➣Uzbekistan | UZ➣University of Zimbabwe | UZ➣Universitair Ziekenhuis (university hospital) | UZ➣Ultra Zoom (camera feature) | UZ➣Umweltzeichen | UZ➣Uniwersytet Zielonogorski (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) | UZ➣Unsaturated Zone | UZ➣Official Postal Card (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) | UZ➣Uhrzuender (German: WW II Clockwork Fuze) |