Russian Society of Radio Engineers RORI

Russian Society of Radio Engineers (RORI)


the first voluntary scientific and engineering society of Soviet radio specialists. It was founded in March 1918 in Petrograd by V. K. Lebedinski, A. A. Petrovskii, V. I. Bazhenov, M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, M. V. Shuleikin, and others. The headquarters were moved to Moscow in July 1918; the society was disbanded in 1928.

The society’s main objective was to promote the development of radio engineering and the radio-engineering industry in the USSR. Branches existed in Petrograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Kiev, Odessa, and other cities. The principal activities of the society included discussions of scientific reports, the presentation of lectures, and the conducting of scientific conferences; the society also provided expertise and consultation on radio-communications projects and popularized knowledge in the area of radio engineering. Members of the society took part in publishing the first Soviet radio journals Telegrafiia i telefoniia bez provodov (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony) and Radiotekhnik (Radio Engineer).


Nauchno-tekhnicheskie obshchestva SSSR: Istoricheskii ocherk. Moscow, 1968.