

单词 absenteeism



A0025800 (ăb′sən-tē′ĭz′əm)n.1. Habitual failure to appear, especially for work or other regular duty.2. The rate of occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty.


(ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm) npersistent absence from work, school, etc


(ˌæb sənˈti ɪz əm)

n. 1. frequent or habitual absence. 2. the practice of being an absentee landlord. [1820–30]


the practice of extensive or permanent absence from their property by owners. — absentee, n.See also: Land
Noun1.absenteeism - habitual absence from workabsenteeism - habitual absence from work absence - failure to be present


(ˈӕbsənt) adjective not present. Johnny was absent from school with a cold. 不在場 缺席的 (əbˈsent) verb to keep (oneself) away. He absented himself from the meeting. 缺席 不在,缺席 ˈabsence noun1. the condition of not being present. His absence was noticed. 缺席 缺席2. a time during which a person etc is not present. After an absence of five years he returned home. 不在的期間 不在,不在场的次数或时间 ˌabsenˈtee noun a person who is not present, especially frequently (eg at work, school etc). 缺席者 缺席者ˌabsenˈteeism noun being often absent from work etc without good reason. Absenteeism is a problem in some industries. 曠職 旷工,旷课 ˌabsent-ˈminded adjective not noticing what is going on around one because one is thinking deeply. an absent-minded professor. 心不在焉的 心不在焉的ˌabsentˈmindedly adverb 心不在焉地 心不在焉地ˌabsent-ˈmindedness noun 心不在焉 心不在焉



(ab″sĕn-tē′izm) [ absentee + -ism] Prolonged or repeated absence from work, school, or assigned duties.


the habit of some animals of moving away from their offspring and visiting them only occasionally to provide food and minimum support.



A situation in which a large number of workers consistently do not come to work, especially for illegitimate reasons. Absenteeism implies that the workers are not terminated for their actions. It can be a sign of poor management.


  1. the level of unsanctioned absences from work in an organization.
  2. chronic unsanctioned absence from work by individuals.

    Absence from work may be sanctioned by managers in advance for certain reasons (for example for a forthcoming visit to the dentist), or may be sanctioned subsequently (for example for illness – see SICK PAY). The difficulty arises where there are no acceptable reasons for absence or where managers believe the excuses tendered to be untrue.

    In theory, DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES can be activated but it can be difficult to prove that employees were absent without due cause. Managers could visit absentees at home to establish the facts but this can be time-consuming and counter-productive since it can indicate to committed employees that they are not trusted. Whilst punishing absence can be difficult, measures can be taken to encourage attendance, such as extra pay (see ATTENDANCE BONUS). A high level of absenteeism is often seen as an indicator of the quality of a workforce but it can equally be an indicator of poor working conditions. Improvement of the latter may also reduce absenteeism.


unsanctioned absences from work by employees. The level of absenteeism in a particular firm often reflects working conditions and morale amongst workers in that firm and affects the firm's PRODUCTIVITY. See SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS.


  • noun

Words related to absenteeism

noun habitual absence from work

Related Words

  • absence




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