Russkii Iazyk

Russkii Iazyk


(Russian Language), the central publishing house of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Publishing, Printing, and the Book Trade. It publishes literature for foreigners studying Russian, as well as dictionaries.

Russkii Iazyk was founded in Moscow in 1974 by combining the dictionary editorial staffs of the Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia publishing house and the educational editorial staffs of the Progress and Vysshaia Shkola (Higher School) publishing houses, which published literature in Russian for foreigners. Publications include sets of educational materials, textbooks, teaching and methodological aids, and Russian readers for foreigners, including those studying in the Soviet Union. Russkii Iazyk also publishes Russian, foreign-Russian, and Russian-foreign standard and scientific and technical dictionaries, as well as dictionaries in the national languages of the USSR.

In 1975, Russkii Iazyk published 154 titles in 23 languages for readers in more than 90 countries, including 101 educational titles. The total number of copies printed was 5,810,000, or 136 million printer’s sheets.