

单词 superelevation



(ˌsuːpərˌɛlɪˈveɪʃən) n1. (Civil Engineering) another name for bank272. (Civil Engineering) the difference between the heights of the sides of a road or railway track on a bend


n. 1. a long pile or heap; mass: a bank of earth; a bank of clouds. 2. a slope or acclivity. 3. the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water normally runs. 4. a broad elevation of the sea floor around which the water is relatively shallow but not a hazard to surface navigation. 5. Also called cant. the inclination of the bed of a banked road or track. 6. the lateral inclination of an aircraft, esp. during a turn. 7. the cushion of a billiard table. v.t. 8. to border with or like a bank; embank: banking the flooded river with sandbags. 9. to form into a bank or heap: to bank snow along a path. 10. to build (a road or track) with an upward slope from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve. 11. to tip or incline (an airplane) laterally. 12. (in billiards or pool) a. to drive (a ball) to the cushion. b. to pocket (the object ball) by driving it against the bank. 13. to cover (a fire) with ashes or fuel to make it burn long and slowly. v.i. 14. to build up in or form banks, as clouds or snow. 15. (of an airplane) to tip or incline laterally. 16. (of a road or track) to slope upward from the inner edge to the outer edge at a curve. [1150–1200; Middle English banke, Old English hōbanca couch, c. Old Norse bakki elevation, hill < Germanic *bank-ōn-; compare bank3, bench]


n. 1. an institution for receiving, lending, and safeguarding money and transacting other financial business. 2. the stock of pieces drawn upon by players in the course of a game, as dominoes. 3. the person or office in a gambling house that holds and distributes cash. 4. a storage place: blood bank; sperm bank. 5. a store or reserve. v.i. 6. to keep money in or have an account with a bank. v.t. 7. to deposit in a bank. 8. bank on, to count on; depend on. [1425–75; late Middle English < Middle French banque < Italian banca table, counter, moneychanger's table < Germanic; compare Old High German bank bench]


n. 1. an arrangement of objects in a line or in tiers: a bank of lights. 2. a bench for rowers in a galley. 3. the group of rowers occupying one bench or rowing one oar. 4. a number of similar devices connected to act together: a bank of transformers. v.t. 5. to arrange in a bank. [1200–50; Middle English bank(e) < Old French banc bench < Germanic; see bank1]



[¦sü·pər‚el·ə′vā·shən] (ordnance) An added positive angle in antiaircraft gunnery that compensates for the fall of the projectile during the time of flight due to the pull of gravity. The angle the gun or launcher much be elevated above the gun-target line.




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