

(stāp'ling), Use of a stapling device that unites two tissues, such as the two ends of bowel, by applying a row or circle of staples.


(stāp'ling) Use of a stapling that unites two tissues, such as the two ends of bowel, by applying a row or circle of staples.


S17-893840 (stāp′ling) STAPLED INCISIONSTAPLED INCISIONIn surgery, a means of fastening tissues to one another with C-shaped clips. Staples are made of either titanium or an absorbable polymeric material. Stapling can usually be performed more rapidly than suturing. See: illustration

gastric stapling

The surgical restriction of the gastric cardia. The procedure is used as to treat morbidly obese patients but has many potential side effects, including esophagitis, vitamin deficiencies, and stenosis of the operative site.

Patient discussion about stapling

Q. hemorroid stapling dose any one know about this first hand,or had it done themself? mail me if you have!Thanks Hi, I will have this done on 8/4 . I do need to have some info. about it from someone who has had it done what I need to know before hand!HOW MUCH PAIN, BLEEDING ect. Drs can only tell you so much because they do the surgery but not had it done themself. Please let me know soon, Please!A. I haven't had it done first hand but I do know from people who have done it that it can hurt in the first few days after and there will be slight bleeding, however that is expected decrease dramatically and make the bleeding eventually stop.

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