Baraga County
Baraga County, Michigan
L'Anse, MI 49946
Phone: (906) 524-6183
Fax: (906) 524-6186
On the north coast of the Upper Peninsula of MI on Keweenaw Bay; established Feb 19, 1875 from Houghton County. Name Origin: For the Rev. Frederic Baraga (1797-1868), Slovenian-born Roman Catholic missionary to the Ojibways who became a bishop in 1853. He established schools for the Chippewa and Ottawa (1830-68)
Area (sq mi):: 1068.85 (land 904.00; water 164.85) Population per square mile: 9.70
Population 2005: 8,746 State rank: 80 Population change: 2000-20005 0.00%; 1990-2000 10.00% Population 2000: 8,746 (White 78.30%; Black or African American 5.00%; Hispanic or Latino 0.90%; Asian 0.30%; Other 16.10%). Foreign born: 0.80%. Median age: 39.00
Income 2000: per capita $15,860; median household $33,673; Population below poverty level: 11.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $18,915-$19,229
Unemployment (2004): 11.60% Unemployment change (from 2000): 2.10% Median travel time to work: 17.80 minutes Working outside county of residence: 12.20%
See other counties in Michigan.