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proctocolonoscopy proctocolonoscopy [prok″to-ko″lon-os´kah-pe] inspection of the interior of the rectum and lower colon.proc·to·co·lo·nos·co·py (prok'tō-kō'lō-nos'kŏ-pē), Inspection of interior of rectum and colon. [procto- + G. kolon, colon, + skopeō, to view] proctocolonoscopy (prŏk′tō-kō′lə-nŏs′kə-pē)n. Inspection of the interior of the rectum and the lower colon.proc·to·co·lo·nos·co·py (prok'tō-kō-lŏn-os'kŏ-pē) Inspection of the interior of the rectum and colon. [procto- + G. kolon, colon, + skopeō, to view] |