

单词 setting



S0293300 (sĕt′ĭng)n.1. The position, direction, or way in which something, such as an automatic control, is set.2. a. The context and environment in which a situation is set; the background.b. The time, place, and circumstances in which a narrative, drama, or film takes place.3. Music A composition written or arranged to fit a text, such as a poetical work.4. A mounting, as for a jewel.5. A place setting.6. A set of eggs in a hen's nest.


(ˈsɛtɪŋ) n1. the surroundings in which something is set; scene2. (Theatre) the scenery, properties, or background, used to create the location for a stage play, film, etc3. (Film) the scenery, properties, or background, used to create the location for a stage play, film, etc4. (Music, other) music a composition consisting of a certain text and music provided or arranged for it5. (Jewellery) the metal mounting and surround of a gem: diamonds in an antique gold setting. 6. the tableware, cutlery, etc, for a single place at table7. (Mechanical Engineering) any of a series of points on a scale or dial that can be selected to control the level as of temperature, speed, etc, at which a machine functions8. (Zoology) a clutch of eggs in a bird's nest, esp a clutch of hen's eggs


(ˈsɛt ɪŋ)

n. 1. the act of a person or thing that sets. 2. the point or position of something, as a thermostat, that has been set. 3. the surroundings or environment of anything. 4. the mounting in which a jewel is set. 5. a group of all the articles, as of china or silver, required for setting a table or a single place at a table. 6. the locale or period in which the action of a novel, play, film, etc., takes place. 7. the scenery or locations, along with properties and other decorative elements, used in a theatrical or film production. 8. a piece of music composed for certain words. [1325–75] syn: See environment.


1. A method of mounting gemstones, holding them in place. Some settings are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, but others are developed so that they become design elements in their own right.2. If both players or sides reach the same score during the last stages of a game, play may be extended by “setting” a new deciding score. The player or side entitled to “set” the game must decide to do so before the next service is taken when the score first reaches the “setting” score. The score reverts to 0–0 and proceeds to 2, 3 or 5 as appropriate. The final score is the total number of points scored in the game.
Noun1.setting - the context and environment in which something is setsetting - the context and environment in which something is set; "the perfect setting for a ghost story"sceneenvirons, surround, surroundings, environment - the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround"scenario - a setting for a work of art or literature; "the scenario is France during the Reign of Terror"
2.setting - the state of the environment in which a situation exists; "you can't do that in a university setting"scope, backgroundenvironment - the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"canvass, canvas - the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account; "the crowded canvas of history"; "the movie demanded a dramatic canvas of sound"show window, showcase - a setting in which something can be displayed to best effect; "it was a showcase for democracy in Africa"
3.setting - arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enactedsetting - arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enactedmise en scene, stage settingflat - scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage settingprop, property - any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie; "before every scene he ran down his checklist of props"stage - a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"stage set, set - representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production; "the sets were meticulously authentic"
4.setting - the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event; "the historical context"circumstance, contextconditions - the set of circumstances that affect someone's welfare; "hazardous working conditions"; "harsh living conditions"conditions - the prevailing context that influences the performance or the outcome of a process; "there were wide variations in the conditions of observation"environment - the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"
5.setting - the physical position of something; "he changed the setting on the thermostat"position, place - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"
6.setting - a table service for one personsetting - a table service for one person; "a place setting of sterling flatware"place settingtable service, service - tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
7.setting - a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place; "the diamond was in a plain gold mount"mountmounting - framework used for support or displaypave - a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal shows


noun surroundings, site, location, set, scene, surround, background, frame, context, perspective, backdrop, scenery, locale, mise en scène (French) The house is in a lovely setting in the hills.


noun1. The place where an action or event occurs:locale, scene, site, stage.2. The properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation:mise en scène, scene, scenery, set.


(set) present participle ˈsetting: past tense, past participle set verb1. to put or place. She set the tray down on the table. 放置 2. to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal. Please would you set the table for me? 擺上餐具 摆放餐具3. to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc). It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value. 訂定(價格、日期、限制) 给…定价,定(日期等) 4. to give a person (a task etc) to do. The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example. 請某人進行(某任務) 使某人做...事5. to cause to start doing something. His behaviour set people talking. 招致他人做某事 引起某人着手做某事6. (of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon. It gets cooler when the sun sets. (日、月)落下 (日、月)落,下沉 7. to become firm or solid. Has the concrete set? 凝固 凝固,凝结 8. to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function. He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m. 設定(鬧鐘) 调准(钟、表) 9. to arrange (hair) in waves or curls. 做頭髮 做头发10. to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring. 鑲上 镶嵌11. to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing. They set his broken arm. 接合(骨頭) (骨)接合 adjective1. fixed or arranged previously. There is a set procedure for doing this. 規定的 规定的2. (often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something). He is set on going. 準備好的,打算 做好准备的3. deliberate. He had the set intention of hurting her. 故意的 故意的4. stiff; fixed. He had a set smile on his face. 生硬的,不自然的 生硬的,不自然的 5. not changing or developing. set ideas. 打定主意的 固定的6. (with with) having something set in it. a gold ring set with diamonds. 鑲有…的 镶嵌…的 noun1. a group of things used or belonging together. a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.2. an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals. a television/radio set. 收音機,電視機 收音机,电视机 3. a group of people. the musical set. 一群同好 一群同伴4. the process of setting hair. a shampoo and set. 做頭髮 做头发5. scenery for a play or film. There was a very impressive set in the final act. 佈景 布景6. a group of six or more games in tennis. She won the first set and lost the next two. (網球)一盤 (比赛中的)局或盘 ˈsetting noun1. a background. This castle is the perfect setting for a murder. 背景,環境 背景,环境 2. an arrangement of jewels in eg a ring. 鑲嵌 镶嵌3. music composed for a poem etc. settings of folk songs. 配樂 配乐ˈsetback noun a delay in progress. 挫折 挫折set phrase a phrase which always occurs in one form, and which cannot be changed. `Of no fixed abode' is a set phrase. 固定說法 固定词组ˈset-square noun a triangular instrument with one right angle, used in geometrical drawing etc. 三角板 三角板ˈsetting-lotion noun a lotion that is used in setting the hair. 頭髮定型液 发型定型液ˌset-ˈto an argument or fight. 爭吵,鬥毆 争吵,殴斗 ˈset-up noun an arrangement. There are several families living together in that house – it's a funny set-up. 安排 安排all set (often with to) ready or prepared (to do something); just on the point of (doing something). We were all set to leave when the phone rang. 準備就緒 准备就绪set about to begin. She set about planning her holiday; How will you set about this task? 著手 开始set (someone) against (someone) to cause (a person) to dislike (another person). She set the children against their father. 挑撥離間 挑拨离间.set aside to keep for a special use or purpose. He set aside some cash for use at the weekend. 預留另作他用 留出为...用set back to delay the progress of. His illness set him back a bit at school. 阻礙 阻碍set down (of a bus etc) to stop and let (passengers) out. The bus set us down outside the post-office. (公車)停靠讓乘客下車 (公共汽车等)中途停车 set in to begin or become established. Boredom soon set in among the children. 開始蔓延,盛行 开始set off1. (sometimes with on) to start a journey. We set off to go to the beach. 出發 出发,动身 2. to cause to start doing something. She had almost stopped crying, but his harsh words set her off again. 讓某人開始… 着手做某事3. to explode or ignite. You should let your father set off all the fireworks. 引爆,引燃 引爆,引燃 set (something or someone) on (someone) to cause (eg dogs) to attack (a person). He set his dogs on me. 放(狗)攻擊(某人) 怂恿,放…攻击… set out1. to start a journey. He set out to explore the countryside. 出發 出发2. to intend. I didn't set out to prove him wrong. 打算 企图set to to start to do something (vigorously). They set to, and finished the work the same day. 開始認真努力 认真开始干set up1. to establish. When was the organization set up? 創立 创立2. to arrange or construct. He set up the apparatus for the experiment. 安裝 装配set up camp to erect tents etc. They set up camp in a field. 搭起帳蓬等 搭起帐蓬等set up house to establish one's own home. He'll soon be earning enough to set up house on his own. 蓋自己的房子 建造自己的房屋set up shop to start a shop. 開設商店 开店,开业 set upon (also set on) to attack. He set upon me in the dark. 襲擊 袭击


  • head for
  • head for the setting sun
  • jet-setting
  • never set foot in (some place)
  • not set foot in (some place)
  • put (something) in motion
  • set (one) at (one's) ease
  • set (one) back on (one's) feet
  • set (one) back on (one's) heels
  • set (one) on (one's) feet (again)
  • set (one) straight
  • set (one) up for life
  • set (one) up with (someone or something)
  • set (one) wise
  • set (one's) (own) house in order
  • set (one's) back up
  • set (one's) cap at (someone)
  • set (one's) cap for (someone)
  • set (one's) hand to
  • set (one's) heart against (something)
  • set (one's) heart at rest
  • set (one's) hopes on (someone or something)
  • set (one's) mind at ease
  • set (one's) mind at rest
  • set (one's) mind to (something)
  • set (one's) mind to rest
  • set (one's) shoulder to the wheel
  • set (one's) sights on (someone or something)
  • set (one's) teeth on edge
  • set (someone or oneself) up for (something)
  • set (someone or something) (up) on a pedestal
  • set (someone or something) above (someone or something)
  • set (someone or something) back
  • set (someone or something) back from (someone or something else)
  • set (someone or something) before (someone or something)
  • set (someone or something) loose
  • set (someone or something) off
  • set (someone or something) to work (on something)
  • set (someone or something) up
  • set (someone) aback
  • set (someone) by the ears
  • set (someone, something, or oneself) up against (someone or something)
  • set (someone, something, or oneself) up as (someone or something)
  • set (someone's) pulse racing
  • set (something) down in black and white
  • set (something) down in writing
  • set (something) for (something)
  • set (something) in motion
  • set (something) over (something)
  • set (something) straight
  • set (something) to music
  • set (something) to rights
  • set a high/low bar
  • set a precedent
  • set a spell
  • set a thief to catch a thief
  • set a trap (for someone or something)
  • set a/the/(one's) price (for something)
  • set about your work
  • set afire
  • set alarm bells ringing
  • set an example
  • set aside (one's) differences
  • set at
  • set at odds
  • set back the clock
  • set by
  • set fire to (something)
  • set foot on (something or some place)
  • set forth
  • set forth on (something)
  • set forward
  • set free (from something)
  • set great store by (something or someone)
  • set in
  • set in train
  • set into (something)
  • set light to (something)
  • set no store by (something or someone)
  • set no store in (something or someone)
  • set off (for some place)
  • set off alarm bells
  • set off on (something)
  • set out (for some place)
  • set out (one's) stall
  • set out to (do something)
  • set pulses racing
  • set sail
  • set sail for (some place)
  • set store by (something or someone)
  • set store in (something or someone)
  • set the agenda
  • set the ball rolling
  • set the bar (high/low)
  • set the cat among the pigeons
  • set the heather alight
  • set the heather on fire
  • set the pace
  • set the record straight
  • set the scene
  • set the scene for (something)
  • set the seal on (something)
  • set the stage for (something)
  • set the table
  • set the Thames alight
  • set the Thames on fire
  • set the tone
  • set the wheels in motion
  • set the woods on fire
  • set the world alight
  • set the world on fire
  • set the/(one's) clock(s) ahead
  • set the/(one's) clock(s) back
  • set the/(one's) clock(s) forward
  • set to
  • set to work (on something)
  • set tongues (a-)wagging
  • set type
  • set up home
  • set up house
  • set up housekeeping
  • set up shop
  • the rot sets in



1. the scenery, properties, or background, used to create the location for a stage play, film, etc. 2. Music a composition consisting of a certain text and music provided or arranged for it 3. any of a series of points on a scale or dial that can be selected to control the level as of temperature, speed, etc., at which a machine functions 4. a clutch of eggs in a bird's nest, esp a clutch of hen's eggs


See rising.



 [set´ing] establishment or creation of something.limit setting in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as establishing the parameters of desirable and acceptable patient behavior.mutual goal setting in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as collaborating with the patient to identify and prioritize care goals, then developing a plan for achieving those goals through the construction and use of goal attainment scaling.


(set'ing), Hardening, as of amalgam.


Vox populi A place where something occurs. See ER/trauma setting.


(set'ing) Hardening, as of amalgam.

Patient discussion about setting

Q. What she should do, if found positive? my wife who is 31 years, had breast cancer history in her family and I have advised her to have a test. She will have her test done next week. What she should do, if found positive?A. I think you must pray that she is not positive, but if found positive let the doctor start the treatment and she should cooperate with doctor. She needs to learn about her problem and also the ways to cope them, like by having good diet and fitness, which she would require when the treatment or surgery will be done. Thanks ....and hope she is not positive…

Q. What are carbohydrates and where they are found and what is their nutritional value? A. You got it.

Q. how can i deal with my newly found pulic speaking anxiety? A. From what I understand, some studies have shown that more people harbor a fear of public speaking than do of death.
My best advice would be to begin by practicing speaking before a mirror, picturing someone else's face. Then try speaking before friends.
Community colleges and adult learning programs often have classes/workshops on speech, and I personally found such a class to have been extremely valuable.
Best of luck to you.

More discussions about setting



n. the action of a court, clerk, or commissioner in scheduling a trial or hearing. (See: set)


  • noun

Synonyms for setting

noun surroundings


  • surroundings
  • site
  • location
  • set
  • scene
  • surround
  • background
  • frame
  • context
  • perspective
  • backdrop
  • scenery
  • locale
  • mise en scène

Synonyms for setting

noun the place where an action or event occurs


  • locale
  • scene
  • site
  • stage

noun the properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation


  • mise en scène
  • scene
  • scenery
  • set

Synonyms for setting

noun the context and environment in which something is set


  • scene

Related Words

  • environs
  • surround
  • surroundings
  • environment
  • scenario

noun the state of the environment in which a situation exists


  • scope
  • background

Related Words

  • environment
  • canvass
  • canvas
  • show window
  • showcase

noun arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted


  • mise en scene
  • stage setting

Related Words

  • flat
  • prop
  • property
  • stage
  • stage set
  • set

noun the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event


  • circumstance
  • context

Related Words

  • conditions
  • environment

noun the physical position of something

Related Words

  • position
  • place

noun a table service for one person


  • place setting

Related Words

  • table service
  • service

noun a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place


  • mount

Related Words

  • mounting
  • pave




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