Acronym | Definition |
TAMS➣Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (Denton, Texas) |
TAMS➣Total Availability Management System |
TAMS➣Text Analysis Markup System |
TAMS➣Track and Manage System |
TAMS➣Toshiba America Medical Systems |
TAMS➣Territory and Municipal Services (Australia) |
TAMS➣Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke (cardiology) |
TAMS➣Transportation Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (US DoD) |
TAMS➣Token and Medal Society |
TAMS➣Total Airport Management System |
TAMS➣Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
TAMS➣Traffic Analysis and Monitoring System (Sunrise Telecom) |
TAMS➣Thayer Academy Middle School (Braintree, MA) |
TAMS➣Teachers Academy for Mathematics and Science |
TAMS➣Toxic Air Monitoring System |
TAMS➣Tandem Accelerator Mass Spectrometry |
TAMS➣Training Ammunition Management System |
TAMS➣Theater Airlift Management System |
TAMS➣Tasmanian Association of Municipal Supervisors, Inc. |
TAMS➣Task Management System |
TAMS➣Target Area Meteorological Sensor |
TAMS➣Technology Assessment Management System |
TAMS➣Transportable Automated Meteorological Station |
TAMS➣Test And Monitoring System |
TAMS➣Technical Assistance & Management Services |
TAMS➣Total Active Military Service |
TAMS➣Terminal Automation Management System |
TAMS➣Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Specialist |
TAMS➣Two Additive Marine Systems |
TAMS➣Target Activated Munitions System |
TAMS➣Time and Attendance Management Systems |
TAMS➣The Army Management System |
TAMS➣Talent Acquisition Management System (NextSource, Inc.) |
TAMS➣Tri-band Antenna Modem System |