recurrent herpetic stomatitis

re·cur·rent her·pet·ic sto·ma·ti·tis

reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection, characterized by vesicles and ulceration limited to the hard palate and attached gingiva.

re·cur·rent her·pet·ic sto·ma·ti·tis

(rĕ-kŭrĕnt hĕr-petik stōmă-tītis) Reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection, characterized by vesicles and ulceration limited to the hard palate and attached gingiva.

re·cur·rent her·pet·ic sto·ma·ti·tis

(rĕ-kŭrĕnt hĕr-petik stōmă-tītis) Reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection, characterized by vesicles and ulceration limited to hard palate and attached gingiva.