Tropheryma whippelii

Tro·pher·y·ma whip·pel·i·i

(trō-fer'i-mă wi-pel'ē-ī), An unclassified, nonculturable organism, named in 1992, which has been identified by electron microscopy and defined by DNA amplification technologies; it has been proven to be the infectious agent responsible for Whipple disease.

Tropheryma whippelii

The causative bacillus of Whipple's disease, and some cases of uveitis Diagnosis Suspected is based on evidence with EM; confirmed by PCR to detect 16S ribosomal RNA gene–rDNA sequences of T whippelii; T whippelii has been isolated and cultivated by inoculation in a human fibroblast cell line, using a shell-vial assay. See Whipple's disease.