toxic sock syndrome

Sports medicine A popular term for pitted keratolysis of plantar skin of runners, tennis or basketball players, caused by Corynebacterium spp, so named because of its strong odour. Toxic sock syndromeis characterised by rounded 1–3-mm punched-out lesions; it develops in a moist environment and is aggravated by occlusive footwear
Management Drying—e.g., 20% aluminium chloride, 5% benzoyl peroxide solution, erythromycin
Vox populi Mission foot A stench from unwashed and occlusively covered feet. Its nickname comes from the Mission Emergency Hospital, San Francisco

toxic sock syndrome

Sports medicine A popular term for pitted keratolysis of plantar skin of runners, tennis or basketball players, caused by Corynebacterium spp, so named because of its strong odor; TSS is characterized by rounded 1–3 mm punched-out lesions; it develops in a moist environment and is aggrevated by occlusive footwear Management Drying–eg, 20% aluminum chloride, 5% benzoyl peroxide solution, erythromycin