Vasilii Bogdanov

Bogdanov, Vasilii Ivanovich


Born Jan. 12 (24), 1837, in Likhvin, Kaluga Province; died Aug. 5 (17), 1886. Russian poet.

Bogdanov graduated from Moscow University’s department of medicine in 1861 and became a physician. In 1863 he began to contribute to the satirical journal Iskra. In 1865 the journal Budil’nik published his poem “Cudgel,” which, in the revised version by A. A. Ol’khin, became a popular folk song. Bogdanov belonged to the Nekrasov school; his satirical verses ridiculed serf owners, bribe takers, and liberals. He expressed sympathy toward the Paris Commune.


Sobr. stikhotvorenii. Moscow, 1959.
[ “Stikhi.”] In the collection Poety “Iskry,” 2nd ed., vol. 2. [Edited and with an introduction by I. Iampol’skii.] Leningrad, 1955.


Istoriia russkoi literatury XIX v.: Bibliografich. ukazatel’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.