recurrent ulnar artery

ulnar recurrent artery

[TA] origin, ulnar artery; distribution, two branches, anterior and posterior, pass medially anterior and posterior to the elbow joint; anastomoses, superior and inferior ulnar collateral, that is, with articular vascular plexus of elbow. Synonym(s): arteria recurrens ulnaris [TA], recurrent ulnar artery

re·cur·rent ul·nar ar·te·ry

(rĕ-kŭr'ĕnt ŭl'năr ahr'tĕr-ē) Origin, ulnar artery; distribution, two branches, anterior and posterior, pass medially in front of and behind the elbow joint; anastomoses, superior and inferior ulnar collateral, i.e., with articular vascular network of elbow.
Synonym(s): arteria recurrens ulnaris [TA] .