Barany sign

Bá·rá·ny sign

(bah'rah-nē), in cases of ear disease, in which the vestibule is healthy, injection into the external auditory canal of water below the body temperature will cause rotatory nystagmus toward the opposite side; when the injected fluid is above the body temperature the nystagmus will be toward the injected side; if the labyrinth is diseased or nonfunctional there may be diminished or absent nystagmus.

Bárány sign

Rotational nystagmus to the side opposite of the external auditory canal irrigated with cold water, and to the same side when the ear is irrigated with warm water. A positive Bárány sign suggests inner-ear disease with intact vestibular function.

Bá·rá·ny sign

(bah'rah-nē sīn) In cases of ear disease, in which the vestibule is healthy, injection into the external auditory canal of water below the body temperature will cause rotatory nystagmus toward the opposite side; when the injected fluid is above the body temperature the nystagmus will be toward the injected side; if the labyrinth is diseased or nonfunctional there may be diminished or absent nystagmus.


Robert, Austrian-Hungarian otologist and Nobel laureate, 1876-1936. Bárány alarm apparatusBárány apparatusBárány boxBárány caloric test - a test for vestibular function. Synonym(s): caloric test; nystagmus testBárány chairBárány noise apparatusBárány noise apparatus whistleBárány sign - nystagmus induced by injecting either hot or cold water into the external ear canal in the caloric test.Bárány syndrome - the direction of a fall is influenced by changing head position in the presence of equilibrium disturbance.Bárány testpositional vertigo of Bárány - brief attacks of paroxysmal vertigo and nystagmus due to labyrinthine dysfunction. Synonym(s): benign positional vertigo