

单词 prod


on the prod

old-fashioned Having an antagonistic disposition; inclined to start trouble. Primarily heard in US. Some benefit from the structure of school or employment, but Jack gets to be on the prod if ever he feels cooped up or trapped in some way. We saw a group of drunken students on the prod outside of the local bar, so we decided to go somewhere else for our night out.See also: on, prod

prod at (someone or something)

To poke or jab someone or something, especially in a gentle or curious manner. Quit prodding at me—I'm awake, for Pete's sake! I don't know why you would prod at a hornet's nest and expect them not to attack you.See also: prod

prod into

1. To poke, jab, or thrust into someone or something. Someone's elbow kept prodding into me for the whole train ride. I would never get a tattoo—the thought of the needle prodding into my skin over and over again gives me the heebie jeebies.2. To poke, jab, or thrust someone or something into some place or thing. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "prod" and "into." I used a metal rod to prod the books into the furnace. The guards prodded the prisoners into their cells with their batons.3. To motivate, goad, provoke, or compel someone into some action, status, or situation. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "prod" and "into." Hearing everyone else's moving testimonies has prodded me into opening up about my own experiences a bit more. The attack has prodded governments from around the world into action against the regime.See also: prod

prod at someone or something

to poke at someone or something. The boys prodded at the prone body of the man to see if he was dead or sleeping. If you prod at the turtle, it will never come out of its shell.See also: prod

prod someone into something

to motivate someone into doing something; to provoke someone into action. Do I have to prod you into going? Can't you volunteer for once? We will prod her into getting it done on time.See also: prod

on the prod

looking for trouble. North American informalSee also: on, prod


1. n. a reminder. She gave me a little prod about the report that is due Monday. 2. tv. to remind someone (about something). Stop prodding me about these minor matters.



[präd] (electricity) test prod


PRODProduction Value (Hockey stat = Ice time divided by points scored)
PRODProposed Deletion (Wikimedia Foundation)
PRODPolitical Research: Organization and Design (journal)
PRODPolicy Reform Options Database (Central Bureau of Health Intelligence; India)
PRODParental Rights and Obligations Department
PRODProfessional Drivers Council, Inc.
PRODPrompt Return Obsolete of Document


Related to prod: prodigy
  • all
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for prod

verb poke


  • poke
  • push
  • dig
  • shove
  • propel
  • nudge
  • jab
  • prick

verb prompt


  • prompt
  • move
  • urge
  • motivate
  • spur
  • stimulate
  • rouse
  • stir up
  • incite
  • egg on
  • goad
  • impel
  • put a bomb under

noun poke


  • poke
  • push
  • boost
  • dig
  • elbow
  • shove
  • nudge
  • jab

noun prompt


  • prompt
  • boost
  • signal
  • cue
  • reminder
  • stimulus

noun goad


  • goad
  • stick
  • spur
  • poker

Synonyms for prod

verb to thrust against or into


  • dig
  • jab
  • jog
  • nudge
  • poke

verb to stir to action or feeling


  • egg on
  • excite
  • foment
  • galvanize
  • goad
  • impel
  • incite
  • inflame
  • inspire
  • instigate
  • motivate
  • move
  • pique
  • prick
  • prompt
  • propel
  • provoke
  • set off
  • spur
  • stimulate
  • touch off
  • trigger
  • work up

noun something that causes and encourages a given response


  • encouragement
  • fillip
  • impetus
  • impulse
  • incentive
  • inducement
  • motivation
  • push
  • spur
  • stimulant
  • stimulation
  • stimulator
  • stimulus

Synonyms for prod

noun a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something


  • goading
  • prodding
  • spur
  • spurring
  • urging
  • goad

Related Words

  • encouragement

noun a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion


  • goad

Related Words

  • ankus
  • device
  • gad
  • spur

verb to push against gently


  • nudge
  • poke at

Related Words

  • jog
  • elbow
  • push
  • force

verb urge on


  • egg on
  • incite

Related Words

  • goose
  • halloo
  • goad

verb poke or thrust abruptly


  • jab
  • poke
  • stab
  • dig

Related Words

  • thrust




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