Vasilii iii Ivanovich

Vasilii iii Ivanovich


Born 1479; died 1533. Grand prince of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III Vasil’evich and Sophie Paleologue, who was the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium.

Vasilii III fought energetically for the centralization of the state. Under his reign, the last semi-independent Russian lands were annexed to Moscow: in 1510, Pskov; in 1513, the Volotskii appanage; about 1521, the Riazan’ principality; and in 1522, the principality of Novgorod-Sever’. In his domestic policy, he based himself on the church, which supported him in the political struggle against the feudal opposition. In 1521 the metropolitan Varlaam was banished for his refusal to participate in the struggle against the appanage prince Vasilii Ivanovich Shemiachich; at the same time, the boyars I. M. Vorotynskii, Prince V. V. Shuiskii, and others fell into disfavor. In 1525, I. N. Bersen’-Beklemishev was executed for his opposition to the policies of the grand prince; Maxim the Greek (1525, 1531), Vassian Patrikeev (1531), and others were censured. During his reign, pomest’e (fief) landholding by the dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry) increased. Measures were taken to restrict the immunities and political privileges of the aristocracy of boyars and princes. In his foreign policy, Vasilii III fought for the reunification of the Russian lands in the west and southwest; he also fought the Crimean and Kazan khanates. Smolensk was annexed to Russia (1514) as a result of the Russian-Lithuanian wars of 1507-08 and 1512-22. The general Russian culture developed greatly during the princely reign of Vasilii III Ivanovich.


Presniakov, A. E. “Zaveshchanie Vasiliia III.” In Sb. st. po russkoi istorii, posv. S. F. Platonovu. Petrograd, 1922.
Smirnov, I. I. “Vostochnaia politika Vasiliia III.” In the collection Istoricheskie zapiski, [vol.] 27. Moscow, 1948.
Kazakova, N. A. Vassian Patrikeev i ego sochineniia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
Baliazin, V. N. “Rossiia i Tevtonskii Orden.” Voprosy istorii, 1963, No. 6.
Zimin, A. A. “Sobytiia 1499 g. i bor’ba politicheskikh gruppirovok pri dvore Ivana III.” In the collection Novoe o proshlom nashei strany. Moscow, 1967.
Shmidt, S. O. “O vremeni sostavleniia ’ Vypisi’ o vtorom brake Vasiliia III.” Ibid.
Kashtanov, S. M. Sotsial’no-politicheskaia istoriia Rossii kontsa XV-pervoi poloviny XVI vv. Moscow, 1967.