superficial temporal artery

su·per·fi·cial tem·po·ral ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, a terminal branch of the external carotid (with maxillary artery); branches, transverse facial, middle temporal, orbital, parotid, anterior auricular, frontal, and parietal. Synonym(s): arteria temporalis superficialis [TA]

su·per·fi·cial tem·po·ral ar·te·ry

(sū'pĕr-fish'ăl tem'pŏr-ăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] origin, a terminal branch of the external carotid (with maxillary artery); branches, transverse facial, middle temporal, orbital, parotid, anterior auricular, frontal, and parietal.
Synonym(s): arteria temporalis superficialis.

superficial temporal artery

An end branch of the external carotid artery; it supplies blood to the scalp in front of the ear and to the parotid glands. Its branches include the transverse facial, middle temporal, anterior auricular, zygomaticoorbital, frontal, and parietal arteries. See also: artery