Ruysch tube

Ruysch tube

(roysh), a minute tubular cavity opening in the lower and anterior portion of each surface of the nasal septum; best seen in the early fetal period when it is associated with the vomeronasal organ (Jacobson organ).

Ruysch tube

(roysh tūb) A minute tubular cavity opening in the lower and anterior portion of each surface of the nasal septum.


Frederik, Dutch anatomist, 1638-1731. Ruysch membrane - the internal layer of the choroidea of the eye, composed of a very close capillary network. Synonym(s): choriocapillary layerRuysch muscle - the muscular tissue of the fundus of the uterus.Ruysch tube - a minute tubular cavity opening in the nasal septum.Ruysch veins - Synonym(s): Retzius veins