bee pollen

bee pollen

Fringe nutrition
A food supplement which contains 55% carbohydrate by weight, as well as protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. The composition and content of bee pollen reflects the plants the worker bees visited before harvesting. It is claimed to be useful for allergies and anaphylactic shock in those allergic to bees, although, if it contains bee particulates, can itself evoke an anaphylactic reaction. Nearly 200 fungi and 30 bacteria have been isolated from bee pollen. It has been promoted by its advocates to enhance athletic performance and be effective for alcoholism, balding, diabetes, poor vision, memory loss and other conditions.

bee pol·len

(bē pol'ĕn) Plant pollen collected by bees; alleged value against prostatitis and inflammatory disorders; studies suggest value in eliminating acetaminophen toxicity; may vary widely in strength because of vast geographic distribution of the bees themselves.

bee pollen

A mixture of pollens and honey, gathered by bees from flowering plants and used by them to feed their larvae. It has been as an ergogenic aid by some athletes but has no proven effect. Exposure to bee pollen sometimes produces allergic reactions in users. Synonym: bee breadSee also: pollen