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DictionarySeedrainageEncyclopediaSeewang konWangensteen drainage
Wan·gen·steen drain·age (wang'ĕn-stēn), continuous drainage by suction through an indwelling gastric or duodenal tube.drainage (dran'ij) The flow or withdrawal of fluids, such as blood, infused saline, pus, and collected debris, from a cavity, organ, surgical site, or wound. See: autodrainage; drainactive drainageDrainage in which negative pressure is maintained in the drainage tube. It is used in treating pneumothorax and in certain types of drains or catheters in the intestinal tract, body cavity, or surgical wound. Synonym: negative pressure drainage; suction drainage. See: Wound Drainage Systems: Negative Pressure autogenic drainageA diaphragmatic breathing pattern used by patients with respiratory illnesses (e.g., cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis) to clear the lungs of mucus and other secretions. Various techniques are used, all of which combine positive reinforcement of deep breathing and voluntary cough suppression for as long as possible before evacuating the airways of mucus. capillary drainageDrainage by means of capillary attraction. chest drainagePlacement of a drainage tube in the chest cavity, usually in the pleural space. The tube is used to drain air, fluid, or blood from the pleural space so the compressed and collapsed lung can expand. The tube is connected to a system that produces suction. This helps to remove the material from the pleural space and also prevents air from being sucked into the space. closed drainageDrainage of a wound or body space into a self-contained, sealed collecting system.closed sterile drainageA sterile tube draining a body site, such as the abdominal cavity or pleural space, that is designed to prevent the entry of air and bacteria into the tubing or the area being drained. lymphatic drainageManual lymphatic drainage.manual lymphatic drainage Abbreviation: MLD Gentle massage techniques used to correct localized lymphedema, e.g., in patients who have swelling of an arm after mastectomy with lymph node dissection. The therapist assists lymphatic flow from the extremity toward the heart. Synonym: lymphatic drainagenegative pressure drainageActive drainage.open drainageDrainage of a wound or body cavity using absorbent materials or catheters that are in contact with the ambient conditions outside the patient. POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior segment of the left upper lobe POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior segment of the right upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: left lingula POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: right middle lobe POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior basal segments of the right and left lung POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior basal segments of the right and left lung POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: left lateral segment of the lower lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: superior segment of the right and left lower lobespostural drainageA passive airway clearance technique in which patients are positioned so that gravity will assist the removal of secretions from specific lobes of the lung, bronchi, or lung cavities. It can be used for patients with pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, inhaled foreign bodies, before surgery for lobectomy, or in any patient having difficulty with retained secretions. A side effect of the treatment in some patients is gastroesophageal reflux. See: illustrationPatient carePhysical tolerance to the procedure is evaluated. The respiratory therapist teaches and assists the patient in the procedure, as ordered, by positioning the patient for effective drainage of the affected lung region(s). The patient is encouraged to remove secretions with an effective cough. To decrease the risk of aspiration, the patient should not perform the procedure after meals. Chest vibration and percussion are often performed at the same time to assist movement of retained secretions in the lung. suction drainageActive drainage.through-and-through drainageIrrigation and drainage of a cavity or an organ such as the bladder by placing two perforated tubes, drains, or catheters in the area. A solution is instilled through one catheter, and the other tube collects the returned fluid actively (by suction) or passively. tidal drainageA method, controlled mechanically, of filling the bladder with solution by gravity and periodically emptying the bladder with a catheter. It is usually used when the patient lacks bladder control as in injuries or lesions of the spinal cord. Wangensteen drainage See: Wangensteen tubeWangensteen, Owen H., U.S. surgeon, 1898-1981. Wangensteen apparatusWangensteen awlWangensteen carrierWangensteen clampWangensteen colostomyWangensteen dissectorWangensteen drainWangensteen drainage - continuous drainage by suction through an indwelling gastric or duodenal tube.Wangensteen dressingWangensteen duodenal tubeWangensteen forcepsWangensteen herniorrhaphyWangensteen needleWangensteen needle holderWangensteen suction - a modified siphon that maintains constant negative pressure, used with a duodenal tube for the relief of gastric and intestinal distention. Synonym(s): Wangensteen tubeWangensteen tissue inverterWangensteen trocarWangensteen tube - Synonym(s): Wangensteen suction |