Wangensteen suction

Wan·gen·steen suc·tion

a modified siphon that maintains constant negative pressure, used with a duodenal tube for the relief of gastric and intestinal distention. Synonym(s): Wangensteen tube


Owen H., U.S. surgeon, 1898-1981. Wangensteen apparatusWangensteen awlWangensteen carrierWangensteen clampWangensteen colostomyWangensteen dissectorWangensteen drainWangensteen drainage - continuous drainage by suction through an indwelling gastric or duodenal tube.Wangensteen dressingWangensteen duodenal tubeWangensteen forcepsWangensteen herniorrhaphyWangensteen needleWangensteen needle holderWangensteen suction - a modified siphon that maintains constant negative pressure, used with a duodenal tube for the relief of gastric and intestinal distention. Synonym(s): Wangensteen tubeWangensteen tissue inverterWangensteen trocarWangensteen tube - Synonym(s): Wangensteen suction