Production Training
Production Training
practical and theoretical training in a chosen vocation through production work. Such training is an integral part of vocational-technical education and secondary specialized education. The curricula of vocational-technical schools allocate about 50 percent of the learning time for production training. In secondary specialized schools 20–30 percent of the learning time is devoted to production training. Another form of production training is the individual and team training of workers both on-the-job and through short-term courses. Such training is given in occupations and specializations that may be mastered in less than six months.
Production training is given under the direction of foremen, instructors, or skilled workers either at school workshops, laboratories, and experimental-training farms or on-the-job (at enterprises, in transport vehicles, at construction sites, or in sovkhozes and kolkhozes). Production training concludes with the completion of qualifying (test) work and the passing of qualifying examinations. One who has successfully completed production training is awarded the appropriate wage and skill grade or title.