advanced life support

ad·vanced life sup·port (ALS),

(ad-vanst' līf sŭp-ōrt'), Definitive emergency medical care that may include defibrillation, airway management, and use of drugs and medications. Compare: basic life support.

Advanced Life Support

A generic term for resuscitation manoeuvres that extend beyond basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

advanced life support

Emergency medicine A generic term for resuscitation efforts that extend beyond basic CPR
Advanced life support methods
Advanced ventilatory support,
eg tracheal intubation, pharyngotracheal lumen airway, esophageal obturator airway, transtracheal catheter ventilation
IV access
Correction of acidosis
Diagnostic tests,
eg EKG, arterial blood gases
Treat arrhythmias,
either with drugs or electroconversion
Advanced perfusion support.
Cf Basic life support.