Beaver Creek Valley State Park
Beaver Creek Valley State Park
Location:From I-90, 24 miles south on MN 76, then west 4 miles on Houston County 1.
Facilities:42 drive-in campsites (16 with electrical hookups), showers, 6 walk-incampsites, group camp (3 sites), camper cabin (seasonal), picnic area(é), enclosed picnic shelter (é), interpretive exhibits, volleyballcourt, playground, warming house, hiking trails (8 miles), gift shop.
Activities:Camping, stream fishing, hiking, bird watching.
Special Features:Situated in the blufflands of southeastern Minnesota, the park is knownfor its clear streams fed by the "Big Spring." In spring, wildflowersthat blanket the woodland hills and valleys attract migratory songbirdslike the rare Acadian flycatcher, Cerulean warbler, and Louisianawaterthrush, which nest in the park.
Address:15954 County Rd 1
Caledonia, MN 55921
Size: 1,187 acres.
See other parks in Minnesota.