Acronym | Definition |
RWS➣Rijkswaterstaat |
RWS➣Rural Water and Sanitation |
RWS➣Resorts World Sentosa (Singapore) |
RWS➣Rogue Wave Software (various locations) |
RWS➣Running with Scissors |
RWS➣Ready Web Service |
RWS➣Remote Workstation |
RWS➣Remote Windows Socket |
RWS➣Read Write and Shared |
RWS➣Rear Wheel Steering |
RWS➣Receive Window Size |
RWS➣Resource Workshop |
RWS➣Recht Wirtschaft Steuern (German: Business Tax Law) |
RWS➣Remote Weapon Station (US Army) |
RWS➣IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium |
RWS➣Real World Strategies (Global Campaign for Education) |
RWS➣Romano-Ward Syndrome |
RWS➣Revised Work Schedule (US FEMA) |
RWS➣Rhapsody Web Services |
RWS➣Ralph Wilson Stadium (Buffalo, NY) |
RWS➣Receive Window Size (layer 2 tunnel protocol) |
RWS➣Remote Winsock |
RWS➣Remote Work Station (US Army ASAS) |
RWS➣Radar Warning System |
RWS➣Remark Web Survey (software) |
RWS➣Range While Search |
RWS➣Republic Waste Services (Wayne, Michigan) |
RWS➣Recruiter Workspace (application) |
RWS➣Rigid Wall Shelter |
RWS➣Read/Write Storage |
RWS➣Remote Work Station |
RWS➣Real World Scenario (software testing) |
RWS➣Regional Waste Systems, Inc. (Portland, ME) |
RWS➣River Water System |
RWS➣Registration Web Service |
RWS➣Reconfigurable Workstation |
RWS➣Right Wheel Speed |
RWS➣Raw Waste Storage |
RWS➣Reduced Work Schedule (employment) |
RWS➣Ramsey Wind Symphony (New Jersey) |
RWS➣Radiological Warning System |
RWS➣Rurama Women's Society (Uganda) |