a Paleolithic site in a cave near the city of Bakhchisarai, in the Crimea. Starosel’e belongs to the Mousterian culture. It was discovered in 1952 by A. A. Formozov, who studied it until 1956. Small hand axes, worked on both surfaces, predominate among the stone implements. Other finds include triangular points, side-scrapers, and leaf-shaped points, as well as the bones of fossil animals (primarily the wild ass). Also found was a grave dating from the Mousterian period containing the remains of a child ½ to two years of age. Many sapiens traits distinguish the child from Neanderthal man; the child is a representative of Homo sapiens or a form intermediate between Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens.
Formozov, A. A. Peshchernaia stoianka Starosel’e i ee mesto v paleolite. Moscow, 1958.Alekseev, V. P. “Gominidy vtoroi poloviny srednego i nachala verkhnego pleistotsena Evropy.” In the collection Iskopaemye gominidy i proiskhozhdenie cheloveka. Moscow, 1966.