释义 |
Toynbee tube Toyn·bee tube (toyn'bē), a tube by which one can listen to the sounds in a patient's ear during politzerization.Toyn·bee tube (toyn'bē tūb) A tube by which one can listen to the sounds in a patient's ear during politzerization. Toynbee, Joseph, English otologist, 1815-1866. Toynbee corpuscles - connective tissue cells found between the laminae of fibrous tissue in the cornea. Synonym(s): corneal corpusclesToynbee manuever - swallowing or blowing while nose is pinched closed and the mouth is shut opens the ears.Toynbee muscle - draws the handle of the malleus medialward, tensing the tympanic membrane to protect it from excessive vibration by loud sounds. Synonym(s): tensor tympani muscleToynbee tube - a tube by which an otologist can listen to the sounds in a patient's ear during politzerization. |