

单词 arthrodynia




n.1.(Med.) An affection characterized by pain in or about a joint, not dependent upon structural disease.




(ar-thral'jē-ă), Pain in a joint. Synonym(s): arthrodynia [G. arthron, joint, + algos, pain]


(ahr-thral'jē-ă) Pain in a joint, especially noninflammatory.
Synonym(s): arthrodynia.
[G. arthron, joint, + algos, pain]


(ar″thrō-din′ē-ă) [ arthro- + -dynia] Pain in a joint.

Patient discussion about arthrodynia

Q. I’ve been having joint pain for the last two months or so, do I have arthritis? I’m a 32 year old dancer, and those pain affects my work and my life..What can it be and what can I do with it? Is there a way to ease the pain? A. As a former gymnast and international coach(German Olympic Team) I was having severe pain, Turns out I have fibromialgia ,MS and cronic fatigue.
I have a pain combination that includes an anti dpressant(light)Opana,and a parkinsons med as well as a breakthrough pain med.... works and so can I,limited but almost pain free.

Q. What is the treatment for "hip joint mice"? Thanks! A. if you are young- it goes away by itself after 6-8 painful weeks...if you are older you might need a surgery to remove the particles. it the hip bone it can be complicated, so it's really up to your Dr. to decide what to do here.

Q. Past few months from now my mom is facing a severe pain in the joints of her ankle.not even able to walk now Hi All,Something happened like this my mom was attacked by sever cough and an x-ray was taken and Doctors confirmed that there was some infection in lugs and it got cured.Later she got fever and after few days wen fever went off she found it difficult to move bcz of swelling in her ankle and tightened joints,large pain when tried to walk and a bit of swellin in figures too.Am very much confused abt wat this disease is and y is this happened suddenly.Is der any disease vch can bring down the mobility in one week.Doctors at my place are completely ignorant abt such situation and are claiming this can not be cured and should be faced through out the life.I took my mom to a good city hospital and Doctors here have categorized it as Rheumatoid arithritis. Am really worried and completely ignorant abt this Kindly help me. A. If it started after lung infection, than the joint pain may represent "reactive arthritis" after pneumonia due to Chlamydophila (a bacteria that cause inflammation of the joints after it cause lung infection).
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However, it's only a suggestion - you may want to consult someone more professional.

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