释义 |
arthrologythe study and treatment of the joints.See also: Medical SpecialtiesEncyclopediaSeeSyndesmologyarthrologyenUK
arthrology [ahr-throl´o-je] the scientific study of the joints and ligaments; also applied to the body of knowledge relating thereto.ar·throl·o·gy (ar-throl'ō-jē), The branch of anatomy concerned with the joints. Synonym(s): arthrologia, syndesmologia, syndesmology, synosteology [arthro- + G. logos, study] arthrology The formal study of the anatomy, physiology, derangements and management of joints and articulations; the term’s use is waning in the working medical parlance.ar·throl·o·gy (ahr-throlŏ-jē) Branch of anatomy concerned with joints. [G. arthron, joint + G. logos, study] |