

单词 red eye

red eye

red eye

n (Photography) photog an undesirable effect that sometimes appears in flashlight portraits when light from the flash enters the eye and is reflected from the retina onto the film, producing a red colour


red eye

red eye

The appearance of red eyes on people and animals when pictures are taken with flash. In dimly lit environments, the eye's iris opens to let in more light. The light from the flash unit reflects back from the retina, which is full of blood vessels; hence, the red look.

Some cameras have an option that produces a flash of light just ahead of the actual flash. The first flash causes the iris to close, eliminating some of the reflection.

Automatic and Manual Removal
Some digital cameras have red eye removal, which removes the red before the image is stored in the camera's flash memory. The removal may be automatic or an option that can be enabled and disabled. However, all photo editing programs have red eye removal. It requires that the user highlight the area around the eyes and either select a default removal function or adjust the amount of reduction. Some programs offer options for replacing the red with a color, which is helpful for pictures where the eyes are an important focal point.

The red can always be removed manually in an image editor by carefully replacing the red with the correct eye color. Although this takes a fair amount of practice to do it well, the results are often the best.

Red Eye Removal
In Nabocorp's excellent cam2pc photo editor, red eye removal is accomplished by sliding a lever to the desired result using the adjustment in the dialog box at the bottom left. (Images courtesy of Nabocorp Softwares, www.nabocorp.com)

Red Eye Removal
In Nabocorp's excellent cam2pc photo editor, red eye removal is accomplished by sliding a lever to the desired result using the adjustment in the dialog box at the bottom left. (Images courtesy of Nabocorp Softwares, www.nabocorp.com)

red eye

(1) Conjunctivitis evoked by allergens, bacteria, viruses, air-borne irritants, or linked to episcleritis, corneal ulcer—infectious or traumatic—uveitis, glaucoma—acute or chronic—cellulitis, etc.
(2) Blood-shot eyes due a lack of sleep, which explains the term, ‘red eye special’—a long night flight, usually understood to be from the west to the east coast of the US. Cf Pink-eye
Vox populi A popular term for the appearance of the eyes of those who have been photographed with a flash under low-light conditions. Red eye is characteristic of a normal retina. The finding of one red eye and the other white—especially in young children—is often associated with retinoblastoma, a malignant tumour of the eyeball (bulbus oculi) and should be a trigger for an immediate eye exam in a toddler or infant.

red eye

1. Conjunctivitis evoked by allergens, bacteria, viruses, air-borne irritants, or linked to episcleritis, corneal ulcer–infectious or traumatic, uveitis, glaucoma–acute or chronic, cellulitis, etc. Cf Pink-eye.2. Blood-shot eye.

red eye


Patient discussion about red eye

Q. What Causes Conjunctivitis? I woke up this morning with a red eye. My doctor said it's probably conjunctivitis. What causes this?A. Red eye as a result of conjunctivitis is caused by hyperemia of the superficial blood vessels of the conjunctiva in the eye. This is usually caused due to either an allergic reaction, infection or some other trigger such as a foreign body that penetrated the eye. The blood vessels in the eye become engorged and therefore seen as red on the white sclera. This requires immediate medical examination in order to rule out emergency situations that can lead to permanent damage.

Q. how long does an eye infection suppose to last if I don't usually have any eye problems? I'm not even sure how I got this infection- my eye was itchy a few days ago and after too much touching-I guess-it got real red and swollen. It hurt for like a day and now it just keeps the redness. something to be worried about? any eye professionals there? I don't use glasses or contacts so I'm kinda bad at this- never gave my eye any special attention...thanks!A. go see an eye dr.a.s.a.p.,it could be anything,you could have something in your eye,you could have pink eye,you could have allergies,but dont risk the wait,go to the doctors...!!!!!!!!

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