


a group of East Slavic tribes that inhabited the area of the Desna, Seim, and Sula rivers at the end of the first millennium A.D. The lands of the Severiane were bounded in the east and south by steppes, which were inhabited by nomads; however, the boundaries were not constant, at times reaching as far as the upper course of the Severskii Donets. In the eighth and early ninth centuries the tribes paid tribute to the Khazars. In the late ninth century the Severiane and the Poliane became part of Kievan Rus’, and in 907 the Severiane fought in Oleg’s campaign against Byzantium. They were last mentioned in the chronicle for 1024.

Severiane centers included the cities of Chernigov, Kursk, and Novgorod-Severskii. There are remains of numerous Severiane settlements dating from the eighth to the tenth century and kurgans containing the remains of cremations. The Severiane engaged in plow farming, livestock raising, and handicraft production.


Tret’iakov, P. N. Vostochno-slavianskie plemena, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1953.