Superimposition of Images

Superimposition of Images


a method of obtaining a photograph by composite projection or contact printing. The insertion of artificial changes and additions in an original photograph is required especially in the creation of illustrations for folk tales and in works with fantastic plots or those in a satirical genre. There are many methods of superimposing images. These methods make possible not only the combining of images with different negatives but also the creation of unique photographic images in a form such as a bas-relief. In the simplest method, superimposed images are commonly used to enliven a photograph of a landscape by the addition of clouds taken from another negative. To do this, the landscape is first exposed separately on a sheet of photographic paper while the sky is covered with a mask, and then the clouds are exposed separately while covering the landscape with a countermask.


Pluzhnikov, B. F. Zanimatel’ naia fotografiia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1967.