superior alveolar nerves

su·pe·ri·or al·ve·o·lar nerves

[TA] three branches (posterior, middle, and anterior) of the maxillary nerve (or its continuation as the infraorbital nerve) that enter the maxilla to supply the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, upper teeth, and gingiva. Synonym(s): nervi alveolares superiores [TA], superior dental nerves

su·pe·ri·or al·ve·o·lar nerves

(sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr al-vē'ŏ-lăr nĕrvz) [TA] Three branches (posterior, middle, and anterior) of the maxillary nerve (or its continuation as the infraorbital nerve) that enter the maxilla to supply the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, upper teeth, and gingiva.

su·pe·ri·or al·ve·o·lar nerves

(sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr al-vē'ŏ-lăr nĕrvz) [TA] Three branches of the maxillary nerve (or its continuation as the infraorbital nerve) that supply the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses, upper teeth, and gingiva.