释义 |
apt A0387000 (ăpt)adj.1. Exactly suitable; appropriate: an apt reply.2. Having a natural tendency; inclined: She is apt to take offense easily. See Usage Note at liable.3. Quick to learn or understand: an apt student. [Middle English, from Old French apte, from Latin aptus, past participle of apere, to fasten.] apt′ly adv.apt′ness n.apt (æpt) adj1. suitable for the circumstance or purpose; appropriate2. (postpositive; foll by an infinitive) having a tendency (to behave as specified)3. having the ability to learn and understand easily; clever (esp in the phrase an apt pupil)[C14: from Latin aptus fitting, suitable, from apere to fasten] ˈaptly adv ˈaptness napt (æpt) adj. 1. disposed; prone: too apt to slander others. 2. likely: Am I apt to find him at home? 3. being quick to learn; bright: an apt pupil. 4. suited to the purpose or occasion: an apt metaphor. [1350–1400; Middle English (< Anglo-French) < Latin aptus fastened, prepared, suitable, orig. past participle of apere to fasten, attach] apt′ly, adv. apt′ness, n. syn: apt, relevant, pertinent all refer to something suitable or fitting. apt means to the point and particularly appropriate: an apt comment. relevant means pertaining to the matter in hand: a relevant question. pertinent means directly related to and important to the subject: pertinent information. usage.: Some usage guides advise that apt followed by an infinitive should be used to mean only “inclined, disposed.” In fact, apt is standard in all varieties of speech and writing as a synonym for likely in suggesting probability without inclination: She is apt to arrive any time now.Hostilities are apt to break out soon. See also liable. apt. apartment. ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | apt - (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant"; "I am not minded to answer any questions"tending, disposed, given, mindedinclined - (often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody" | | 2. | apt - at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant; "he is apt to lose"; "she is liable to forget"liablelikely - has a good chance of being the case or of coming about; "these services are likely to be available to us all before long"; "she is likely to forget"; "a likely place for a restaurant"; "the broken limb is likely to fall"; "rain is likely"; "a likely topic for investigation"; "likely candidates for the job" | | 3. | apt - mentally quick and resourceful; "an apt pupil"; "you are a clever man...you reason well and your wit is bold"-Bram Stokercleverintelligent - having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; "is there intelligent life in the universe?"; "an intelligent question" | | 4. | apt - being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"apposite, pertinentapropos - of an appropriate or pertinent nature |
aptadjective1. appropriate, timely, right, seemly, fitting, fit, related, correct, belonging, suitable, relevant, proper, to the point, applicable, pertinent, befitting, apposite, apropos, opportune, germane, to the purpose The words of this report are as apt today as they were in 1929. appropriate irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, improper, untimely, ill-fitted, ill-timed, ill-suited, inopportune, inapplicable, infelicitous, inapposite2. inclined, likely, ready, disposed, prone, liable, given, predisposed, of a mind She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about.3. gifted, skilled, expert, quick, bright, talented, sharp, capable, smart, prompt, clever, intelligent, accomplished, tasty (Brit. informal), ingenious, skilful, astute, adroit, teachable She was never a very apt student. gifted slow, stupid, dull, awkward, incompetent, clumsy, inept, gauche, inexpert, maladroitaptadjective1. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:appropriate, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-made.2. Having or showing a tendency or likelihood:disposed, given, inclined, liable, likely, prone.Translationsapt (ӕpt) adjective1. (with to) likely. He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions. 易於...的, 可能...的 易于...的2. suitable. an apt remark. 恰當的 恰当的3. clever; quick to learn. an apt student. 聰明的 聪明的ˈaptly adverb 恰當地,靈巧地 恰当地,灵巧地 ˈaptness noun 恰當,靈巧 恰当,灵巧 APT
APT (computer science) Automatic Programming Tool APT1. On drawings; abbr. for apartment. 2. Abbr. for Association for Preservation Technology.APT (language)Automatically Programmed Tools.APT (company)Audio Processing Technology.APT(1) See advanced persistent threat.
(2) (Automatic Programmed Tools) A high-level programming language used to generate instructions for numerical control machines.APT
APT AntiPlatelet Trialists. A meta-analysis of 145 prospective controlled trials of antiplatelet therapy administered post myocardial infarction, stroke, or TIA, or given to patients with a positive cardiovascular history (vascular surgery, angioplasty, angina, etc). Conclusion ±25% reduction in each category, and a trend toward decreased risk with aspirin doses of ≤325 mg/day.apperceptive personality test (a″pĕr-sep′tiv), APTA test used to assess attitudes, moods, and perceptions. The person tested examines a series of images and is asked to construct a story about each of them. APT
Acronym | Definition |
APT➣Apartment | APT➣Airport | APT➣American Public Television | APT➣Aptitude | APT➣Advanced Package Tool (Linux) | APT➣Action for Public Transport (Australia) | APT➣Advanced Persistent Threat (intelligence security) | APT➣Appellant | APT➣Auburn Public Theater (Auburn, NY) | APT➣Australian Pacific Touring (est. 1927) | APT➣Association for the Prevention of Torture | APT➣Atom-Probe Tomography | APT➣Advanced Passenger Train | APT➣Arbitrage Pricing Theory | APT➣Association for Preservation Technology | APT➣Abuse Prevention Training (various organizations) | APT➣Association for Political Theory (est. 2000) | APT➣Artist Pension Trust | APT➣Access to Professional Training (disabilities) | APT➣Asia-Pacific Telecommunity | APT➣Advances in Psychiatric Treatment | APT➣Aquatic Physical Therapy | APT➣Alabama Public Television | APT➣Advanced Package Tool | APT➣Application Programmer'S Toolkit | APT➣Advanced Printing Technology | APT➣Analog Proprietary Telephone | APT➣Automatically Programmed Tools | APT➣Application Process Title | APT➣Annotation Processing Tool | APT➣Adjustable Power Trip | APT➣Azienda Promozione Turistica (Italian: Tourist Promotion Company) | APT➣Advanced Power Technology (Richardson Electronics) | APT➣Alliance for Public Technology | APT➣Automatic Picture Transmission | APT➣Ammonium Paratungstate (tungsten refining) | APT➣ASEAN Plus Three | APT➣Asset Protection Trust | APT➣Alliance of Professional Tattooists | APT➣Autorisation Provisoire de Travail (French: Temporary Work Permit) | APT➣Advanced Positioning Technology (various companies) | APT➣Andhra Pradesh Technology (India) | APT➣Accredited Permaculture Training (Australia) | APT➣Attached Proton Test (chemistry) | APT➣Association of Polysomnographic Technologists | APT➣Academic Part Time | APT➣Automated Performance Testing (computing) | APT➣Accelerator Production of Tritium | APT➣Automatically Programmed Tool | APT➣Administrative, Professional and Technical (staff) | APT➣Address Pass Through | APT➣Advanced Platform Technology | APT➣Administrative Payment Team (various agencies) | APT➣Automated Pit Trading | APT➣Accelerated Pavement Test | APT➣Apartamiento (apartment; postcode use, Puerto Rico) | APT➣American Players Theater (Spring Green, WI) | APT➣Applied Potential Tomography | APT➣Accelerated Part-Time (education; various schools) | APT➣Automatic Public Toilet | APT➣Automatic Photometric Telescope | APT➣Attention Processing Training (cognitive rehabilitation) | APT➣Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother) | APT➣Accounting Production Transfers (oil & gas) | APT➣Accelerated Planning Technique | APT➣Aircrew Procedures Trainer | APT➣Amide Proton Transfer | APT➣Alliance for Photonic Technology | APT➣A Practical Transit-Mapping Service | APT➣Association of Pensioneer Trustees | APT➣Anesthesiology Pharmacology Therapeutics (medical field) | APT➣Aquaculture Production Technology, Ltd (Israel) | APT➣Atomic Polar Tensor | APT➣Acquisition Pointing and Tracking | APT➣Awesome Piece Theatre (gaming) | APT➣Association for Public Transportation, Inc | APT➣Advanced Pirate Technology | APT➣Advanced Plume Treatment | APT➣Arranged Passenger Transport | APT➣Analytic Perturbation Theory | APT➣Automatic Programming of Tools | APT➣Alliance for Productive Technology (insurance, SEMCI) | APT➣Application Productivity Tool | APT➣Air Passenger Tariff | APT➣Advanced Personnel Testing | APT➣Association of Professional Tattooists | APT➣American Pneumatic Tool, Inc. (Gardena, California) | APT➣Asia Pacific Transport Pty Ltd (Australian rail-building consortium) | APT➣Air Passenger Terminal | APT➣Active Process Table | APT➣Advanced Predictive Technology | APT➣Awaiting Pilot Training (US Air Force) | APT➣American Phone Terrorists | APT➣Associated Pharmacists and Toxicologists | APT➣Advanced Power Technologies Center (multi-university consortium) | APT➣Adaptive Phase Tracking | APT➣American Portable Telecommunications | APT➣Antarctic Passenger Terminal (New Zealand) | APT➣Automatic Program Tool | APT➣AT&T Pre-Paid Technology (pre-paid long distance, wireless, etc) | APT➣Annular Proton Telescope | APT➣Active Pulse Train | APT➣Augmented Programming Training | APT➣All-Purpose Tire | APT➣Automatic Picture Test | APT➣Academy for Power & Transportation | APT➣Annual Planning Table | APT➣Aspirin Provocation Test | APT➣Advanced Passive Technology (BMDO) | APT➣Adaptive Polling Technique | APT➣Aunis Poker Tour (France) | APT➣All-Purpose Terminal | APT➣Advanced Personnel Training | APT➣Automatic Progression Trunk | APT➣Automatic Planning and Technology | APT➣All Purpose Tape | APT➣Airborne Pointing & Tracking | APT➣Alumprecipitated Toxoid | APT➣Acoustic Proficiency Trainer | APT➣Automatic Parameter Test | APT➣Accident Prevention Team |
Synonyms for aptadj appropriateSynonyms- appropriate
- timely
- right
- seemly
- fitting
- fit
- related
- correct
- belonging
- suitable
- relevant
- proper
- to the point
- applicable
- pertinent
- befitting
- apposite
- apropos
- opportune
- germane
- to the purpose
Antonyms- irrelevant
- inappropriate
- unsuitable
- improper
- untimely
- ill-fitted
- ill-timed
- ill-suited
- inopportune
- inapplicable
- infelicitous
- inapposite
adj inclinedSynonyms- inclined
- likely
- ready
- disposed
- prone
- liable
- given
- predisposed
- of a mind
adj giftedSynonyms- gifted
- skilled
- expert
- quick
- bright
- talented
- sharp
- capable
- smart
- prompt
- clever
- intelligent
- accomplished
- tasty
- ingenious
- skilful
- astute
- adroit
- teachable
Antonyms- slow
- stupid
- dull
- awkward
- incompetent
- clumsy
- inept
- gauche
- inexpert
- maladroit
Synonyms for aptadj suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or placeSynonyms- appropriate
- becoming
- befitting
- correct
- felicitous
- fit
- fitting
- happy
- meet
- proper
- right
- tailor-made
adj having or showing a tendency or likelihoodSynonyms- disposed
- given
- inclined
- liable
- likely
- prone
Synonyms for aptadj (usually followed by 'to') naturally disposed towardSynonyms- tending
- disposed
- given
- minded
Related Wordsadj at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasantSynonymsRelated Wordsadj mentally quick and resourcefulSynonymsRelated Wordsadj being of striking appropriateness and pertinenceSynonymsRelated Words |