superior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve

su·pe·ri·or cer·vi·cal car·di·ac branch·es of va·gus nerve

[TA] uppermost of the branches of vagus nerve conducting presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to, and reflex afferent fibers from, the cardiac plexus; branching from the vagi close to the base of the skull. Synonym(s): rami cardiaci cervicales superiores nervi vagi [TA]

su·pe·ri·or cer·vi·cal car·di·ac branch·es of va·gus nerve

(sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr sĕr'vi-kăl kahr'dē-ak branch'ĕz vā'gŭs nĕrv) [TA] Uppermost of the branches of vagus nerve conducting presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to, and reflex afferent fibers from, the cardiac plexus; branching from the vagi close to the base of the skull.