Tankeevka Burial Ground
Tankeevka Burial Ground
a major necropolis containing about 5,000 graves and dating from the period of the establishment of Bulgaria on the Volga (ninth and tenth centuries). Located near the village of Tankeevka, Kuibyshev Raion, Tatar ASSR, it was discovered in 1904. Since 1961, more than 1,000 inhumations have been studied. The rectangular graves have yielded numerous weapons, vessels, ornaments, silver burial masks, and remains of domestic animals, mainly skulls and leg bones of horses. The Tankeevka burial ground was left by the Bulgars and ancient Magyars and by representatives of other Finno-Ugric and Turkic tribes. In the late tenth century, the pagan burial ritual was replaced by the Muslim ritual.
Khalikova, E. A. “Pogrebal’nyi obriad Tankeevskogo mogil’nika.” In the collection Voprosy etnogeneza tiurkoiazychnykh narodov Srednego Povolzh’ia. Kazan, 1971.Kazakov, E. P. “Pogrebal’nyi inventar’ Tankeevskogo mogil’nika.” Ibid.