Severskie Goroda

Severskie Goroda


(Severskii Cities), a historical region in the Russian state in the 16th and early 17th centuries; located on the frontier with the Rzeczpospolita and Dikoe Pole in the basin of the Seim and Desna rivers, in what had once been the Severskii (Chernigov-Severskii) Land. The region was part of the centralized Russian state from the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Briansk, Chernigov, Trubchevsk, Novgorod-Sever-skii, Pochep, Starodub, and other cities in the Desna River basin defended the Russian state against incursions from Poland and Lithuania. The cities along the Seim River—Putivl’, Ryl’sk, and Sevsk (with Komarichi Volost)—guarded Russia’s southern frontier from Tatar raids.


Tikhomirov, M. N. Rossiia v XVI stoletii. Moscow, 1962.