

单词 urinary bladder

urinary bladder

urinary bladder

n. An elastic, muscular sac situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion.

urinary bladder

n (Anatomy) a distensible membranous sac in which the urine excreted from the kidneys is stored

u′rinary blad′der

n. a distensible, muscular sac in most vertebrates, in which urine is retained until discharged from the body. Also called bladder. [1720–30]
Noun1.urinary bladder - a membranous sac for temporary retention of urineurinary bladder - a membranous sac for temporary retention of urineapparatus urogenitalis, genitourinary apparatus, genitourinary system, systema urogenitale, urinary apparatus, urinary system, urogenital apparatus, urogenital system - the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urineurinary tract - the organs and tubes involved in the production and excretion of urinebladder, vesica - a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas)bladder sphincter, musculus sphincter vesicae - the sphincter muscle of the urinary bladder; made up of a thickened muscular layer of bladder around the urethral opening

urinary bladder

urinary bladder

a distensible membranous sac in which the urine excreted from the kidneys is stored

Urinary Bladder


the organ in which urine accumulates before being excreted from the body in certain invertebrates, in most vertebrates, and in man.

The urinary bladder takes several forms in invertebrates: rotifers have an unpaired bladder, oligochaetes and hirudineans (leeches) have multiple bladders, and higher crustaceans have paired bladders. In the vertebrates, the urinary bladder is usually unpaired. In female elasmobranchs, paired urinary bladders, or urinary sinuses, occur as widenings of the ureters; these sinuses merge in the posterior end of the body into an unpaired urinary sinus that opens into the cloaca. In most teleosts, the urinary bladder occurs as a widening of the ureters that merge into a terminal unpaired duct; this duct can have its own external orifice, or it can share an orifice with the terminal sections of the gonaducts in males of certain species.

In most terrestrial vertebrates, the urinary bladder is formed from the embryonic membrane called the allantois; amphibians are the only class in which the bladder arises from a ventral diverticulum of the cloaca. In amphibians, reptiles, and monotremes, the urinary bladder opens into the cloaca opposite the cloacal openings of the ureters. In metatherians (marsupials) and eutherians (placental mammals), the ureters empty directly into the urinary bladder, which in turn is usually connected to the exterior by the urethra. The ureters empty into the urogenital sinus only in the females of certain animals. Birds have no urinary bladder, and crocodilians and Serpentes (snakes) are the only reptiles in which this structure is rudimentary.

In man, the urinary bladder is a hollow, muscular organ situated in the lesser pelvis. Its average capacity is 500 cc, but when distended, it can hold much more urine. The bladder’s walls are lined with mucosa. Urine passes through the ureters from the kidneys and is deposited into the urinary bladder every 10–20 seconds. The neck of the urinary bladder opens into the first section of the urethra; ring-shaped muscles are located in the neck and form two sphincters that surround and close the urethra. Contraction of the sphincters prevents the urine from flowing out of the bladder. When the bladder is full, neural elements in the bladder wall elicit reflex contractions of the bladder muscles, as well as relaxation of the sphincteral muscles; these simultaneous processes result in the outflow of urine through the urethra.

In males, the posterior wall of the bladder is adjacent to the rectum; the neck of the bladder and the first section of the urethra are surrounded by the prostate gland. Diseases of the prostate can interfere with and even prevent urination. In females, the posterior wall of the bladder is adjacent to the uterine cervix and to the vagina.

The mucous membrane of the bladder is extremely susceptible to infection. The short length of the female urethra facilitates the spread of infections from the genitalia to the bladder. In males, the bladder can become infected because of an impairment in the excretory function, as occurs in diseases of the prostate.

urinary bladder

[′yu̇r·ə‚ner·ē ′blad·ər] (anatomy) A hollow organ which serves as a reservoir for urine.

urinary bladder

u·ri·nar·y blad·der

[TA] a musculomembranous elastic bag serving as a storage place for the urine, filled via the ureters and drained via the urethra. Synonym(s): vesica urinaria [TA], vesica (1) [TA], cystis urinaria, urocyst, urocystis

urinary bladder

n. An elastic, muscular sac situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion.

u·ri·nar·y blad·der

(yūr'i-nar-ē blad'ĕr) [TA] A musculomembranous elastic bag serving as a storage place for the urine.
Synonym(s): vesica urinaria [TA] , bladder (2) .

urinary bladder

The muscular bag for the temporary storage of urine situated in the midline of the pelvis at the lowest point in the abdomen, immediately behind the pubic bone. The bladder wall relaxes at intervals to allow filling but as the internal pressure rises the intervals become shorter and the urgency to empty the bladder becomes more frequent and then continuous. Unless emptied voluntarily, the bladder will eventually empty spontaneously.

Patient discussion about urinary bladder

Q. What is involved in Gall Bladder surgery? A. If you refer to removal of the gal bladder due to stones, then it may be performed either in an open approach (using an arch-like incision in your right upper abdomen) or in a laparoscopic approach (using only three small incisions to insert devices into your abdomen). The operation itself is not long and not associated with significant problems after it.

Q. How to prevent getting a bladder infection? I am worried about getting another bladder infection like I just had now. I am during my second trimester. How can I avoid getting it again?A. drink more cranberry juice,its 100% natural, and wont harm the baby in anyway.

Q. can a bladder infection affect male's ability to have sex? A. I haven't heard about such an association However, this is only general statement, so if you have any concerns you may want to consult a doctor.
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urinary bladder

Related to urinary bladder: Urinary Bladder Cancer
  • noun

Words related to urinary bladder

noun a membranous sac for temporary retention of urine

Related Words

  • apparatus urogenitalis
  • genitourinary apparatus
  • genitourinary system
  • systema urogenitale
  • urinary apparatus
  • urinary system
  • urogenital apparatus
  • urogenital system
  • urinary tract
  • bladder
  • vesica
  • bladder sphincter
  • musculus sphincter vesicae




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