superior mesenteric (nerve) plexus

su·pe·ri·or mes·en·ter·ic (nerve) plex·us

[TA] an autonomic plexus, a continuation of the abdominal aortic plexus, sending nerves to the intestines and forming with the vagus the subserous, myenteric, and submucous plexuses; this periarterial plexus is so dense that it results in the appearance of a characteristic perivascular "collar" distinguishing the superior mesenteric artery from the superior mesenteric vein in several imaging modalities such as with ultrasound. Synonym(s): plexus (nervosus) mesentericus superior [TA]

su·pe·ri·or mes·en·ter·ic (nerve) plex·us

(sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr mez'en-ter'ik nĕrv pleks'ŭs) [TA] An autonomic plexus, a continuation of the abdominal aortic plexus, sending nerves to the intestines and forming with the vagus the subserous, myenteric, and submucous plexuses; this periarterial plexus is so dense that it results in the appearance of a characteristic perivascular "collar" distinguishing the superior mesenteric artery from the superior mesenteric vein in several imaging modalities such as with ultrasound.