释义 |
DictionarySeemusclesuperior oblique muscle
su·pe·ri·or o·blique mus·cle (sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr ō-blēk' mŭs'ĕl) Origin, above the medial margin of the optic canal; insertion, by a tendon passing through the trochlea, or pulley, and then reflected backward, downward, and laterally to the sclera between the superior and lateral recti; action, primary, intorsion; secondary, depression and abduction; nerve supply, trochlear nerve. Synonym(s): musculus obliquus superior [TA] . superior oblique muscleExtraocular muscle. Origin: sphenoid bone deep in medial side of orbit. Insertion: lateral surface of eyeball behind its equator. Nerve: trochlear (CN IV). Action: turns eye down and outward with medial rotation. See also: muscle |