Régnier, Mathurin

Régnier, Mathurin

(mätürăN` rānyā`), 1573–1613, French poet. He wrote 16 vigorous, realistic, and often licentious verse satires in the manner of Latin authors, first published as a whole in 1613.

Régnier, Mathurin


Born Dec. 21, 1573, in Chartres; died Oct. 22, 1613, in Rouen. French poet.

Régnier continued the traditions of Rabelais and C. Marot. He was influenced by the Pléiade and by F. de Malherbe. His chief work, the Satires (1608–13), depicts French society at the turn of the 17th century. The satires combine realism and sharp social and psychological observations with philosophic, moral, and ethical generalizations. They influenced the classical satires of Boileau and La Fontaine and, to an extent, the plays of Molière.


Oeuvres complétes. Paris, 1958.
In Russian translation:
In Poety frantsuzskogo Vozrozhdeniia. Leningrad, 1938.


Vipper, lu. B. Formirovanie klassitsizma vo frantsuzskoi poezii nachala 17 v. Moscow, 1967.
Vianey, J. M. Régnier. Paris, 1896.