Rémusat, Charles, comte de
Rémusat, Charles, comte de
(shärl kôNt də rāmüzä`), 1797–1875, French philosopher and liberal politician. He was a deputy (1830–48) and minister of the interior (1840) under King Louis Philippe. In the Revolution of 1848 he was associated with Adolphe Thiers. Rémusat went into exile after the coup of Louis Napoleon (later Emperor Napoleon IIINapoleon III(Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), 1808–73, emperor of the French (1852–70), son of Louis Bonaparte (see under Bonaparte, family), king of Holland. Early Life
..... Click the link for more information. ), becoming politically active again when the emperor had to make concessions to the liberals toward the end of the Second Empire. After Napoleon's fall he served (1871–73) under Thiers as minister of foreign affairs. Among his works are Essais de philosophie (1842), Histoire de la philosophie en Angleterre depuis Bacon jusqu'à Locke (1875), and several biographies.