BBIBlockbuster Inc. (stock symbol)
BBIBerlin Brandenburg International (Airport)
BBIBowman Birk Inhibitor (proteins)
BBIBurton Blatt Institute (Syracuse University; New York)
BBIBehavior-Based Interviewing
BBIBerlinetta Boxer Iniezione
BBIBroadband Interactive System
BBIBrowser Based Interface
BBIBabcock & Brown Infrastructure (Infrastructure)
BBIBelluard Bollwerk International (Fribourg, Switzerland)
BBIBrowser-Based Interface
BBIBureau of Building Inspection (various locations)
BBIBasic Business Information
BBIBusiness to Business Internet (UK)
BBIBest Brains Inc.
BBIBritish Biocell International
BBIBank of Baroda India
BBIBlue Blanket Improv (San Francisco, CA)
BBIBhubaneswar, India - Bhubaneswar (Airport Code)
BBIBasic Board Industries AB (Sweden)
BBIBradford & Bingley International (banking; Santander Group)
BBIBlack Belt International (martial arts)
BBIBritish Bottlers' Institute (UK)
BBIBâtiment Bricolage Industrie (French: Building Supplies Industry; trade magazine)
BBIBernard Bimbeloterie Import (French: Bernard Import Knickknacks)
BBIBrachial–Brachial Index (incontinence)
BBIBerger Blanc Suisse International (French: White Swiss Shepherd International; Switzerland)
BBIBuffalo Bills Insider (football; New York)
BBIB'nai Brith International
BBIBarnstable Broadcasting, Inc. (Newton, MA)
BBIBlue Blaze Irregular (member of Buckaroo Banzai's World Wide Assistance Program)
BBIBroad Band Inverse (magnetic resonance)
BBIBresse Bourgogne Immobilier (French: Bresse Burgundy Real Estate)
BBIBand Busses, Inc.
BBIBritish Born Indian
BBIBaseband Interface
BBIBio-Behavioral Institute
BBIBiker Babes' Idol
BBIBi-Directional Backplane Interface (Nortel)
BBIBeanie Baby-Itis
BBIBroadcasting Foundation, Inc.
BBIBalanced Bridge Interferometer modulator (fiber optics)
BBIBonhomme Bâtiments Industriels (French: Bonhomme Industrial Buildings; Montélier, France)