Acronym | Definition |
BBK➣Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (German) |
BBK➣Big Brake Kit |
BBK➣Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait |
BBK➣BB King (blues artist) |
BBK➣Boy Better Know (band) |
BBK➣Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa (Bank of Bilbao, Spain) |
BBK➣Birkbeck College (University of London; England, UK) |
BBK➣Bandar Baru Klang (township; Malaysia) |
BBK➣Barclays Bank of Kenya |
BBK➣Bundesverband Bildender Künstler (German: Federal Association of Artists) |
BBK➣Brauner-Briggs-Klar (wave function in atom-electron scattering) |
BBK➣Beneficiary Bank |
BBK➣Basketball Baseball Kickball (game) |
BBK➣Bibliothekarisch Bibliographische Klassifikation (German) |
BBK➣Bilateral Below Knee (amputation) |
BBK➣Kasane, Botswana - Kasane (Airport Code) |
BBK➣British Born Killers (gaming clan) |
BBK➣Be Back Ok? |
BBK➣Benkard Bario Kings (gang) |
BBK➣Bank of Bilbao (Spain) |
BBK➣Back Behind Keyboard (internet slang) |
BBK➣Beatbox Kids (gang) |