

pref. Six: sexpartite.
[Latin, from sex, six; see s(w)eks in Indo-European roots.]


combining form six: sexcentennial. [from Latin]



n. 1. either the female or male division of a species, esp. as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions. 2. the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the female and male are distinguished. 3. the instinct or attraction drawing one individual sexually toward another, or the cultural phenomena, behavior, or activities that it motivates. 4. sexual intercourse. 5. genitalia. v.t. 6. to ascertain the sex of, esp. of newly hatched chicks. 7. to arouse sexually (often fol. by up). Idioms: have sex, to engage in sexual relations, esp. sexual intercourse. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin sexus]


a combining form meaning “six”: sexdecillion. [< Latin, comb. form of sex six]