Tanner growth chart

Tan·ner growth chart

(tan'ĕr), a series of charts showing distribution of parameters of physical development, such as stature, growth curves, and skinfold thickness, for children by sex, age, and stages of puberty.

Tan·ner growth chart

(tan'ĕr grōth chahrt) A series of tables showing distribution of parameters of physical development, such as stature, growth curves, and skinfold thickness, for children by sex, age, and stages of puberty.


James, English pediatrician. Tanner developmental scale - Synonym(s): Tanner growth chartTanner growth chart - a series of charts showing distribution of parameters of physical development for children by sex, age, and stages of puberty. Synonym(s): Tanner developmental scaleTanner stage - stage of puberty on the Tanner growth chart.

Tan·ner growth chart

(tan'ĕr grōth chahrt) Series of diagrams showing distribution of parameters of physical development, such as stature, growth curves, and skinfold thickness, for children by sex, age, and stages of puberty.