professions allied to medicine

professions allied to medicine

A generic UK term for professions that provide ancillary medical services and have patient contact which (per NHS-Scotland), include clinical psychology, podiatry, dietetics, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy, radiography (diagnostic and radiotherapy), speech and language therapy.
Electroencephalography, electrocardiography, hearing aids, audiometry, surgical appliances, ultrasonics, nuclear medicine, industrial therapy, dental ancillary staff.

professions allied to medicine

A general title for a range of disciplines that offer medicine a wide spectrum of specialized knowledge and skills. The allied professions work in close association with clinicians to promote the recovery and welfare of patients. They include BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, CHIROPODY, DIETETICS, medical physics, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, ORTHOPTICS, ORTHOTICS, PHYSIOTHERAPY, prosthetics, RADIOGRAPHY and SPEECH THERAPY. The term ‘paramedic’ may be applied to some or all of these.