


P0191950 (pə-rĭk′ə-pē)n. pl. pe·ric·o·pes or pe·ric·o·pae (-pē′) An extract or selection from a book, especially a reading from a Scripture that forms part of a church service.
[Late Latin pericopē, from Greek perikopē, a cutting around, section, from perikoptein, to cut around : peri-, peri- + koptein, to cut.]
pe·ric′o·pal (pə-rĭk′ə-pəl), per′i·cop′ic (pĕr′ĭ-kŏp′ĭk) adj.


(pəˈrɪkəpɪ) n (Ecclesiastical Terms) a selection from a book, esp a passage from the Bible read at religious services[C17: via Late Latin from Greek perikopē piece cut out, from peri- + kopē a cutting] pericopic, pericopal adj